Creating a Insight

await lawg.insight({
  title: "Users Joined",
  emoji: "👤" // or :bust_in_silhouette: (Optional)
  value: 250,

Updating a Insight

You may set emoji: ":your_emoji:" in any of the fields below when updating an insight (optional).

Setting a Insight’s Value

await lawg.setInsight({
  id: "insight_xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  set: 150, // Overides initial value (Now: 150, Before: 250)

Incrementing a Insight

Positive Increments
await lawg.incInsight({
  id: "insight_xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  increment: 150, // Increments initial value (Now: 400, Before: 250)
Negative Increments
await lawg.incInsight({
  id: "insight_xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  increment: -150, // Increments initial value (Now: 0, Before: 250)